How to Drain an Above Ground Pool

How to Drain an Above Ground Pool

4 minutes, 41 seconds Read

Maintaining an above ground pool is essential to ensure clean and safe swimming conditions. One crucial aspect of pool maintenance is draining the pool when necessary. In this article, we will guide you through how to drain an above ground pool, providing step-by-step instructions and useful tips.

Taking care of your above ground pool involves various tasks, such as cleaning, balancing chemicals, and regular maintenance. Draining the pool is an important part of this routine. By draining the pool, you can remove old water, debris, and contaminants, improving the overall water quality and extending the lifespan of your pool.

Preparing for Draining

Before you begin draining your above ground pool, making the necessary preparations is important. Gather the required equipment and tools, including a drainage hose, a pump, a filter, and a pool brush. Additionally, ensure you have the appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and goggles, to protect yourself during the process.

Safety should be a priority when draining a pool. Be aware of electrical connections and ensure the pump is disconnected from power sources before proceeding. It’s also essential to check your local regulations and guidelines regarding pool drainage to avoid any legal issues.

Clearing the Pool Area

Clearing the pool area is essential to ensure a smooth draining process. Remove any furniture or obstacles around the pool that may obstruct the drainage path. Trim nearby plants and shrubs to prevent them from falling into the pool during draining. Furthermore, secure the pool area by setting up safety barriers or gates to prevent accidents or unauthorized access.

Disconnecting and Draining the Pump

To drain your above ground pool, you must first disconnect and drain the pump. Turn off the pump and disconnect it from any power source. Remove attachments, such as the pump basket and filter, ensuring they are clean and debris-free. Drain the water from the pump and hoses, removing any excess moisture.

Attaching a Drainage Hose

Select a suitable location for draining the pool water. Connect a drainage hose to the pool’s drainage valve, ensuring a secure fit. The drainage hose should be long enough to reach a safe drainage area away from the pool. Ensure the hose is properly extended and free from any kinks or bends obstructing water flow.

Opening the Drainage Valve

Locate the drainage valve on your above ground pool. Slowly open the valve to begin releasing the water. Opening the valve gradually is important to avoid excessive pressure and potential damage. Monitor the drainage process closely, ensuring water flows smoothly through the drainage hose.

Cleaning the Pool During Drainage

While the pool is draining, take the opportunity to clean the pool’s interior. Remove any debris, leaves, or other objects from the pool bottom. Use a pool brush to scrub the walls and floor, removing any algae or buildup. Once the pool is drained, rinse it thoroughly to remove any remaining dirt or cleaning products.

Proper Disposal of Drained Water

When draining your above ground pool, it’s crucial to consider properly disposing of the drained water. Check your local regulations and guidelines regarding water disposal to ensure compliance. In some areas, it may be possible to reuse the water for landscaping or other purposes. Avoid draining the water into storm drains or water bodies, as it may contain chemicals that can harm the environment.

Inspecting and Maintaining Pool ComponentsHow to Drain an Above Ground Pool

After draining the pool, take the time to inspect and maintain various pool components. Check the pool liner for any damages or leaks, repairing or replacing it if necessary. Clean and store pool accessories like ladders, skimmers, and pool toys to prevent damage and prolong their lifespan. Inspect and maintain the pump, filter, and other equipment to ensure optimal performance.

Refilling the Pool

Once the pool is clean and all necessary repairs are made, it’s time to refill it with clean water. Close the drainage valve securely, ensuring it is fully closed to prevent leaks. Remove the drainage hose, carefully draining any remaining water into an appropriate location. Begin refilling the pool with fresh water, monitoring the water level throughout the process.

Balancing and Treating the Water

After refilling the pool, it’s essential to balance and treat the water to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming environment. Test the water pH and chemical levels using a reliable pool testing kit. Adjust the chemicals as necessary to maintain the optimal balance. Run the pump and filter to circulate the water and distribute the chemicals evenly.

Pool Covering and Protection

To minimize debris and maintain water cleanliness, it’s recommended to install a pool cover. A pool cover helps to prevent leaves, dirt, and other contaminants from entering the pool. Ensure the cover is properly secured, using appropriate fasteners or weights to prevent it from being blown away by wind. Regularly clean and maintain the pool cover to prolong its lifespan and effectiveness.

Tips for Efficient Pool Drainage

To make the pool draining process more efficient and hassle-free, consider the following tips:

  • Choose the right time and weather conditions for draining the pool. Avoid extreme temperatures or adverse weather conditions that may impact the draining process.
  • Consider seeking professional assistance if you’re uncertain or uncomfortable with the process. Pool maintenance experts can ensure a smooth and proper draining process.
  • Regularly inspect and clean your above ground pool to prevent excessive buildup or damage, reducing the frequency of draining.


Draining an above ground pool is crucial in maintaining a clean and healthy swimming environment. Following the outlined steps and tips can effectively drain your pool and ensure proper maintenance. Remember to prioritize safety, adhere to local regulations, and consider professional assistance if needed.

Gregory Prince

Gregory Prince

Gregory Prince is a true expert in the art of crafting a beautiful home. Not only does he have a wealth of experience in the industry, but he's also an accomplished writer with a knack for sharing his knowledge in an engaging and inspiring way. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or a first-time buyer, you'll find plenty of valuable insights and practical advice in Gregory's writing. So why not take a few moments to explore the Vincent James Homes blog and discover a world of inspiration for your own living space?

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